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Friday, February 17, 2012

Take Insulin

Different ways to take Insulin

  • Taking insulin shots by syringes, it has a needle attached to a hollow tube filled with insulin, and it is press or injects into the skin by a plunger. This is the oldest and cheapest insulin injecting system.
  • An insulin pen is a pen-like device with a needle and a cartridge of insulin. It is convenient and accurate insulin injecting system than syringes.
  • An insulin infuser uses a small tube, which need to insert just beneath the skin and remains in place for several days. Insulin is injected into the end of the tube instead of through the skin. So that we can avoid piercing the skin, many times.
  • Jet injectors are useful to deliver the dose of insulin, but they do it without using a needle to make a tiny hole. Jet of insulin is forces through the skin with pressure.
  • Insulin auto injector has a special design for those who have difficulty injecting themselves; it automatically inserts the needle and injects the contents.
  • An insulin pump is a small device, worn on a belt or in a pocket, which holds insulin. The pump connects to a needle through a plastic tube. The needle is inserts under the skin and stays in for several days. Pump automatically drips insulin through the needle under the skin.


  1. Now, I know about that. Thanks for your posting.
    happy blogging :)

  2. This is useful article about insulin. Thanks for share

    Saturday visit after the move. Happy weekend my firend :)
